San Angelo Wrongful Death Attorney

Seeking Justice for Your Loved One in San Angelo, Texas

The unexpected loss of a family member is devastating. The pain can grow even more profound when that loss occurs due to someone else's negligence or wrongful actions. 

If you're in San Angelo, Texas, and facing the heartbreaking loss of a family member, you're not alone. The Law Offices of David M. White understands the emotional and financial toll that this devastating loss has taken on you and your family. 

A San Angelo wrongful death attorney from our firm can help you regain traction as you grieve, rebuild your life, and try to move ahead. We know you may be facing a mountain of bills, funeral expenses, and lost income on top of your grief. It's overwhelming, and it's unfair. 

Reach out to us today. Our compassionate wrongful death team is committed to fighting for families like yours. We will work to hold those responsible for your loved one’s death accountable, and we won’t back down until they pay every dollar you deserve.


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Understanding Wrongful Death in San Angelo

Law Offices of David M. White

A wrongful death occurs when the negligence, recklessness, or intentional actions of another party causes someone to die. In San Angelo and throughout Texas, surviving family members can seek compensation for the loss of their family member.

Our San Angelo wrongful death lawyer knows that nothing can replace the loss of your loved one or heal your grief, but I can help lift some of the heavy burdens your loss has put on you.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death in San Angelo

Any number of accidents, negligent actions, or inactions can cause a wrongful death.

Some of the more common causes we see in and around San Angelo include:

Steps to Take After the Wrongful Death of a Loved One

Grief can rob you of your time, energy, and occasionally even your will.

Taking these small steps, however, can make a giant impact on your family and your future: 

  1. Seek emotional support for yourself and your family
  2. Gather all relevant documents (medical records, police reports, etc.)
  3. Avoid discussing the case with insurance companies
  4. Contact a San Angelo wrongful death attorney

How a San Angelo Wrongful Death Attorney Can Support Your Claim

When you're facing the unimaginable loss of a loved one, a skilled and results-driven San Angelo wrongful death attorney can be your strongest ally. We shoulder the legal burden so you can focus on healing.

Our responsibilities to you include:

  • Investigating the cause of your loved one’s death
  • Gathering and preserving crucial evidence
  • Handling all communications with insurance companies
  • Calculating the full extent of your damages
  • Negotiating for a fair settlement
  • Representing you in court if necessary
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Determining Your Eligibility for a Wrongful Death Claim

To have a valid wrongful death claim in San Angelo, you must prove:

  1. A death occurred
  2. Another person’s negligence or intent to harm caused your loved one’s death
  3. You are suffering monetary injury due to the death
  4. You or the persons making the claim qualify

Proving Negligence in a Wrongful Death Case

Proving negligence is the key to holding the at-fault parties accountable.

Building a solid case requires demonstrating how someone’s negligence led to your devastating loss in four measures:

  1. The defendant owed a duty of care to the deceased. This means the defendant owed it to your family member to act in a way that did not endanger their life. 
  2. The defendant breached that duty
  3. The breach directly caused the death
  4. The death resulted in damages to the surviving family members

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in San Angelo?

In Texas, the following individuals can file a wrongful death claim:

  • The surviving spouse
  • The deceased’s children (including adopted children)
  • The parents of the deceased

If these individuals don't file within three months of the death, the executor or administrator of the deceased's estate may file the claim unless family members request they don't.

Assessing the Value of Your Wrongful Death Case

While no amount of money can replace your loved one, compensation can provide financial stability and justice. Your San Angelo wrongful death lawyer will evaluate your every loss and need, including:

Economic damages: 

  • Lost wages and income based on the deceased’s age, life expectancy, and earning capacity
  • Medical expenses related to the fatal injury or illness
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Loss of benefits and inheritance

Non-economic damages:

Are there Time Limits for Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in San Angelo?

Yes. Texas law gives you two years from the date of death to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This legal countdown, known as the statute of limitations, is unforgiving. Missing this deadline can result in losing your right to seek compensation and justice.

While two years might seem like ample time, certain exceptions may affect the timeline of your case. Don't let time slip away – acting promptly protects your family's rights.

Other Reasons to Act Quickly:

  • Evidence may disappear or degrade over time
  • Witnesses' memories may fade
  • Delays give your legal opponents more time to build a defense

What’s the Timeline for Resolving a Wrongful Death Claim?

The duration of a wrongful death case can vary widely, typically ranging from several months to a few years. Our San Angelo wrongful death team always works to resolve your case as quickly as possible, but we will never settle for anything less than you deserve.

Factors affecting the duration of your case include:

  1. The complexity of your case
  2. The amount of evidence we must gather and analyze
  3. The defendant’s willingness to negotiate
  4. Court schedules, if the case goes to trial

Contact Our San Angelo Wrongful Death Lawyer Today

San Angelo Wrongful Death Attorney, David M. White
David M. White, San Angelo Wrongful Death Lawyer

Losing a loved one shatters your life. At the Law Offices of David M. White, we're committed to easing your burden by handling the legal aspects of your case while you focus on healing. The grief of losing a loved one cannot be overstated and should never be undervalued. 

We can help. We will listen to your story, answer your questions, and help you understand all of your legal options. Let us be your advocates in seeking justice for your loved one and securing your family's future.

Reach out to a San Angelo personal injury law firm for a free, no-obligation consultation by calling us at (325) 221-4421 or filling out our online form.